LCD Versus Plasma TVs

LCD Versus Plasma TVs

LCD and plasma TVs are HD quality sets. Which is better? There are pros and cons with each type.


LCD TVs have a non-reflective screen which gives it the advantage of viewing in any lighting conditions. Alternatively, plasma TVs have a reflective glass screen and is best viewed in areas with too much light.

Energy Efficiency

Plasma TVs are not that energy efficient due to its high voltage construction and power needed to generate images. LCDs are low voltage and require much less power.


Plasma TVs are very heavy due to the use of glass in their construction and require professional installation. LCD televisions are lighter since they utilize less glass and can be installed without assistance.

Image Generation

Plasmas create light with xenon or neon gases to generate images on screen. LCDs filter light to generate colors into images from a panel of liquid crystal cells.


Although the black level contrast created by LCD TVs is HD quality, plasma TVs have perfect aspect ratio, pixel density and a superior black contrast.


LCD TV Buying Guide website
Plasma TV Buying Guide website

Photo Credit copyright free image by Steve Woods

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